
  • Guide
  • Refund policy

The refund amount is always paid to the customer in the currency used by the customer to pay the order amount.

  • The following rules apply to refunds.
  • Refunds use the same payment method used to pay the order amount. We can't refund it to another card or bank account.
  • The refund amount will be paid in the same currency that the customer used to pay for the order amount. If the customer has paid in euros, the refund amount will also be paid in euros.
  • If the currency needs to be switched upon refund, the current exchange rate is used for the conversion, not the exchange rate at the time of the order.
  • The currency conversion fee is charged when the payment has been converted and will not be charged when the refund is paid. Currency conversion fees and credit card fees are not returned when processing refunds.

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